Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

435 - Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering

29932 - Experimentation in Chemical Engineering II

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29932 - Experimentation in Chemical Engineering II
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
435 - Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this course is based on the following:


In each one of the sessions, students will work in groups of two. Students will know in advance the practice to make and must have read the script. For the part of computer simulation, if schedules and availability of computer equipment allows it, practices will be held individually.

In each practice session, students will perform the experimental part. During the practice session the teacher will pose questions related with the theory of the practice being performed.

5.2. Learning tasks

The following activities are programmed:


Theory: one theory class with a duration of 1 hour, in which the basics and the evaluation of the course will be exposed.

Laboratory classes: about 20 practices distributed as follows:

I) Practices of simulation of chemical processes with computer: 9

II) Practices of control of chemical processes: 9

III) Chemical reactions engineering laboratory: 2


Alternatively, and depending on availability, some practices could be replaced (up to three) for visits to industries.

5.3. Syllabus

One theory class with a duration of 1 hour, in which the foundations of the subject and the evaluation of the subject will be exposed.

About 20 practices distributed as follows:


I) Practices of simulation of chemical processes with computer: up to 9 sessions of three hours each, using the chemical process simulator Aspen HYSYS®. An example of practices that can be performed is shown below:

• Practice 1. Introduction to Hysys. Binary rectification

• Practice 2. Extractive Distillation

• Practice 3. Synthesis of MTBE

• Practice 4. Synthesis of toluene

• Practice 5. Production of ethylene glycol

• Practice 6. Production of ethylene oxide

• Practice 7. Production of ethyl chloride

• Practice 8. Gasification and Combined Cycle

• Practice 9. Separation of monochlorobenzene


II) Practices of control of chemical processes: up to 9 sessions of three hours each. An example of practices that can be performed is shown below:

• Practice 1. Processes of first order

• Practice 2. Tuning PID controllers (I): level in a tank

• Practice 3. Control of pressure and flow in a gas stream

• Practice 4. Control of temperature in a reactor

• Practice 5. Tuning PID controllers (II): cooled reactor

• Practice 6. Process second order

• Practice 7. Characterization of the behavior of temperature sensors

• Practice 8. Control of pH

• Practice 9. Level control in a tank


III) Practices of chemical reactions engineering: 2 sessions of  3-hour each, for instance:

• Practice 1. Deactivation of catalysts: dehydrogenation of ethane

• Practice 2. Real Flow. Tank-pipe system


Alternatively, and depending on availability, some practices could be replaced (up to three) by visits to industries. In that case, it will be announced in advance the replaced practices. This activity would have a maximum duration of 9 hours in total.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

The practice sessions are held in the laboratory according to schedule established by the School of Engineering and Architecture (EINA) and it will be published prior to the start date of the course (timetables available at http: \\

They will be planned depending on the number of students and will be announced previously to the beginning of the course.

Each teacher will inform of his hours of tutoring.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BB Austin, George T.. Shreve's chemical process industries / George T. Austin . - 5th ed. New York [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, cop. 1984
BB Bequette, B. Wayne. Process control : modeling, design, and simulation / Wayne B. Bequette . Upper Saddle River (New Jersey) : Prentice Hall PTR, cop. 2003
BB Berg, Pieter J. Van Den. Introduction to chemical process technology / P.J. Van Den Berg and W.A. de Jong Delft : Delft University Press ; Dordrecht : Reidel Publishing, cop. 1980
BB Creus Solé, Antonio. Instrumentación industrial / Antonio Creus Solé . 8ª ed. Barcelona : Marcombo, 2011
BB Luyben, William L.. Plantwide process control / William L. Luyben, Björn D. Tyréus, Michael L. Luyben . New York [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, cop. 1999
BB Moulijn, Jacob. A.. Chemical process technology / Jacob A. Moulijn, Michiel Makkee, Annelies van Diepen Chichester [etc.] : John Wiley, cop. 2001
BB Process dynamics and control / Dale E. Seborg ... [et al.] . - 3rd ed., international student ed. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, cop. 2011
BB Product and process design principles : synthesis, analysis, and evaluation / Warren D. Seider ... [et al.] . 3rd ed. Hoboken [New Jersey] : John Wiley and Sons, cop. 2010
BB Vian Ortuño, Angel. Introducción a la química industrial / Angel Vian Ortuño . - 2ª ed., [reimpr.] Barcelona [etc.] : Reverté, D. L.1999